As we go through difficult and transformative times, so many of us are seeking ways to stay calm and not fall into hopeless despair. We want to understand what the heck is going on, and how to make it through our global dark night of the soul.
Jesus, one of the greatest teachers of all time, left us a path and a way out of any dark chapter of our life. He also showed by gentle demonstration the ways of harmony and living as unconditional love in action!
Have you ever wondered who Jesus really was and what he was really trying to teach us? And, how can his ancient teachings help us in our current times of uncertainty and crisis?
According to spiritual teacher, author, and founder of The Institute of Sacred Activism Andrew Harvey, Jesus is not the person portrayed to us by the boys clubs of religion, media, and politics.
So, who is the real Jesus? And what was his main message/gift for humanity? Take a listen to Andrew giving us a quick synopsis, in the video below.
Who is the Real Jesus?
Like many other mystic scholars, Andrew is reminding us that Jesus is not someone who wanted to create a religion. What he actually did is something far more important. He gave us all the path to embody the great divine love consciousness and come together in its glory and its power!
Jesus showed us how to birth — at our moment of greatest need — a holy new way of being and doing everything. A way to completely transform how we live from the inside out! He taught us how to evolve ourselves through the power of love.
What is the Dark Night of the Soul?
Why is it that so many of us never turn to God, Christ, or Source Energy until we are in utter crisis and shrouded in darkness?
This certainly seems to be our current global reality. We are a humanity in crisis on so many levels. We are ripe for a radical reset. In the short video below, Andrew shares his definition and purpose of the dark night.
Balancing Darkness + Light
So, here we are now. Facing a global dark night that is forcing us to evolve into a higher level of humanity. So, how do we deal with the dire situation we find ourselves in, in the most skillful way possible?
Here’s some fantastic advice from Andrew on the importance of not getting swept up in the chaos of transformation, or getting lost in the polarizing opposites of life.
Take that in.
Andrew has shared that an extraordinary new evolved consciousness can only come through the death of the false self that we have coddled and indulged for far too long and to such disastrous effect. He also shared that being able to see, hold, and balance the opposing energies of life — darkness and light — is the task of the new divine human in us.
Wisdom of The Serpent
At some point in our life, we all journey through a dark night of the soul. This is, as Andrew points out, the evolutionary process. With each death of the prior self, we evolve into higher consciousness. Much like a snake keeps shedding its old skin, we have to let go and break free from what no longer serves us.
“The wisdom of the serpent” is a wonderful teaching from Jesus to help us see clearly all of the good, bad and ugly of life, without fear. Here’s a short clip of Andrew breaking down the meaning of The Wisdom of the Serpent and how it is particularly relevant today.
Rebirthing ourselves through the Christ Consciousness
To embody the Christ Consciousness is to live as unconditional love in action. In our challenging world, this is no easy endeavor. Jesus knew this, so he provided teachings on how to apply the wisdom of divine love in any situation, most notably in the Beatitudes. Divine love is the only way to evolve from the darkness of fear and hatred, into the love and light of higher consciousness.
In his course, Rediscovering the Christ Path, Andrew reminds us that it is not enough just to bask in holy, mystical experiences. We must put the teachings of Jesus and unconditional love into action!
It’s easy to love those who are kind, fun, and loving. The challenge is to be able to love and understand even those who are under the influence of fear, greed, and delusion, knowing that only divine love heals the darkness of pain, hatred, and ignorance.
Watch the clip below to hear Andrew passionately share how to embody the Christ Consciousness for sacred activism — to contribute towards the rebirthing of a whole new you and a world filled with peace, love, unity, and respect for all!
Andrew also provides examples of how two iconic, sacred activists were able to put the power of unconditional love into action and change the course of history!
- How can you put more love and light out into the world?
- How can you stop contributing to the fear, hatred, and darkness of the world?
Let us know in the comments below.
Join this FREE video event with Andrew Harvey and experience a sacred prayer that will bring you peace and serenity and help you surrender your false self so that you live your life as one long prayer.

Sacred Revelations of the Christ Path for a Life of Divine Love & Passionate Service