Shift Network Blog

Politics as a Spiritual Practice
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How Science & Spirituality Split From One Another
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The Starting Point for Shamanic Journeying
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Nature Talks to Us Through Feelings
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The Sacred Dance of Self and Other
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The Little-Known Alta Major Chakra
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Unpacking the Power of the Hail Mary Prayer with Andrew Harvey
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How the Christ Path Guides Us Out of Darkness
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How To Return To Love & The Real World
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What Does it Mean to Serve God?
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Radical Presence to Heal Ancestral Trauma
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Introducing the Emotion Code® | Access the Infinite Intelligence of Your Subconscious
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Psychedelics for Therapeutic Purposes
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How to Live a Conscious Life & Realize Deep Soul Contentment
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The Vedic Concept of Soul
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Expand Beyond the Limits of Your Mind to Become Ever Greater Versions of Yourself
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Stan Grof & Rick Tarnas: A Partnership Is Formed
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How Does Archetypal Astrology Connect the Psyche to the Cosmos?
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Experience Flute as Medicine for Your Heart
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Coincidence, or Actual Soul-to-Soul Transmission? with Suzanne Giesemann
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Use Suzanne Giesemann’s Simple Technique to Connect With Your Higher Self
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How Shamans Learn About Plant Medicine by Tapping Into Alternate States of Consciousness
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Herbs for Lucid Dreaming
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Is Accessing the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine a Practice for Everyone?
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Discover the Power of the Divine Feminine for Uncertain & Challenging Times
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Open to Unconditional Love Through Chanting with Krishna Das
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Powerful Evidence from the Other Side with Medium & Author Suzanne Giesemann
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What is Evidence-based Mediumship?
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How a Near-Death Experience Changes You Forever...
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How Dr. Wayne Dyer Discovered Anita Moorjani's Groundbreaking Near-Death Experience Teachings
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Ram Dass on Dealing with Pain Through Loving Awareness
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Drumming the Four Elements: A Meditative Drumming Practice for Connecting to Nature
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How to Create Your Own Healing Rhythms
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What is Kundalini? (And how can you awaken this blissful energy within you?)
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How Do You Know You Are Tuned Into Your Body's Intuition? (And You're Not Just in Your Head...)
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Is Life Happening to You or for You? Michael Beckwith Reveals How to Move From Victim to Manifester
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Discover How to Move Beyond the Law of Attraction: Living Your Soul's Vision
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Decompressing Your Physical Reality: Healing & Manifesting in the Quantum Field
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Kundalini: The Vast Intelligence Within
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Stan Grof On the Intersection of Science And Spirituality
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Stan Grof On Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
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Our Origin And Why It Matters With Gregg Braden
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The Three Suns: The Path of Kundalini Awakening
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This Invisible Force is Ruling Your Life... Learn to Make it Work for You!
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Stop Trying to Figure Out the Meaning of Life and Start Doing This…
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How to Build Energy Circuits for Healing and Manifestation
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Are You Using the Power of Your Thoughts & Words for Good?
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Chakra Meditation: Awaken to Boundless Energy, Vitality & Healing With This Guided Practice From Anodea Judith
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Awaken Your Capacity for Self-Healing, Super-Perception, and a Longer Life!
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Feeling stressed? Help Your Adrenals Recover From Stress, Burnout & Exhaustion with These Medicinal Herbs
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What Life Looks Like When You Practice Shamanism in a Modern World
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Awaken to Boundless Energy, Vitality, & Healing with this Guided Chakra Meditation
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Need some hope?
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How to Get Better Access To Your Guides (And Be Supported In Choosing Your Best Next Steps)
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Where the Highest Level of Individual Awakening is Happening…
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5 Keys to Living as an Inspired Woman
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You Got This: Danielle LaPorte’s Credo for Life
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John Robbins’ Quick Tips on Eating for Personal & Planetary Health
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Spiritual but Not Religious? Discover the True Spiritual Power of Christ's Teachings.
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5 Spiritual Practices for Women to Experience More Presence, Passion & Joy
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Oneness, Love, and the Evolution of Humankind
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Forgiveness Practice
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What I Love About Jesus
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Discover Writing As a Spiritual Practice
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PTSD United
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Healing through Yoga
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The iRest Program for Healing Trauma
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Iframe test
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