Your subconscious mind is like your personal computer.
It stores data on everything you’ve ever seen, smelled, touched, and tasted. It remembers every person you’ve ever met — even if you don’t consciously remember.
If you’ve experienced heartache or deep grief, it’s likely your subconscious mind has put up a wall of energy around your heart to protect it from being broken in the future.
When something isn’t quite right in your mind or body, your subconscious mind always knows exactly what’s wrong.
In the above video, medical intuitive Dr. Bradley Nelson explains a method of getting answers from your own subconscious mind.
Don’t miss these highlights in this insightful video with Dr. Brad:
- (0:15) — The true definition of the “subconscious mind”
- (1:00) — What your subconscious mind knows about you
- (1:25) — A simple-yet-powerful method for tapping into the subconscious mind
- (2:05) — What scientists have learned about the human response to positive and negative stimulus… from studying plants
Dr. Brad is a holistic chiropractor and medical intuitive, and one of the world’s foremost experts in the emerging fields of bioenergetic medicine and energy psychology. He’s helped his students all over the world find freedom from emotional and physical distress, including sadness, anxiousness, anger, fatigue, discomfort, and disease.
Join this FREE video event with Dr. Bradley Nelson and discover an easy, yet powerful, proven approach to energy healing that quickly releases trapped emotions to resolve underlying physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances for a healthier, happier life.

Introducing the Emotion Code® — A Simple Method to Address the Root Causes of Your Health & Life Imbalances