Michael Stone

Michael Stone

Shamanism Teacher, Author

Michael Stone, MSOD, ISOD spent most of his vocational life as a corporate organizational development consultant, communications specialist and leadership trainer. His company, Mastery of Management International (MMI), focused on bringing heart and meaning into the workplace as a tool for increasing productivity, connectivity and creativity. For over three decades he has worked with Fortune 500 companies, NGOs and social profit institutions throughout Europe and North America. For the past 10 years Michael has focused his attention on the social profit sector while deepening his knowledge of shamanism, gender issues and creative alternatives to current organizational structures and methods of productivity.

Michael is the host of KVMR’s award winning show, Conversations: Possibilities and Perspectives on Local and Global Issues. It focuses on environmental restoration, spiritual fulfillment, evolutionary cosmology, community building, wellness and social justice issues. He is also a journalist who contributes to numerous publications, including his own e-newsletter, The Well of Light. Michael has extensive training in somatic movement and is a certified trainer in Trance Dance, Soul Motion, and Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms. He has brought his training in communications, gestalt, meditation and psychology together with his spiritual and environmental conviction to develop a totally unique approach to bringing forth a new depth in social, cultural and environmental awareness.

Michael has a BS in Organizational Communication and Behavior from California State University Sacramento, an MSOD from Pepperdine University and various post-graduate courses, including the 2-year International Organizational Systems Development (ISOD) from Cleveland Gestalt Institute where he focused on cross cultural applications of Gestalt methodology in International Organizational Systems. He is also a shamanic teacher and practitioner and graduate of Sandra Ingerman’s Shamanic teachers program. His book, Organizational Shamanism: Revitalizing the Spirit of Work, is due to be published soon.

Blog posts by Michael Stone

Discover a Shamanic Way of Living with 2 Simple Gratitude Practices

It's so easy in our terminally busy lives to take the miracles that surround us for granted. We worry about our future; will I have enough money, time, love? We get caught up in fear, doubt and anxiety; and we rush around missing the life that is disappearing in the wake of our motion.

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