There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle,
the other is as though everything is a miracle.
— Albert Einstein
I don’t know about you, but I much prefer to live as if everything is a miracle! We can only tap into miracles and magic if we believe in magic. And once we experience the magic, there is no turning back or denying it.
Einstein said: “If you don’t believe in any kind of magic, or mystery, basically, you’re as good as dead.”
Have you been feeling dead on the inside lately?
Do you feel unplugged, consciously or unconsciously, from the magic and wonder of life?
It’s so easy to get disconnected from joy and creativity during stressful times.
So how can you reconnect to the love, joy, and wonder of life? How do you tap into miracles and delightful synchronicities?
“To enter the kingdom of heaven, be as a little child!” Jesus was not joking — this really is the way to gain admission into the divine and wondrous dimensions of life.
In fact, most spiritual teachers from all wisdom traditions will tell you the same thing, including bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss.
In this post, we explore three fun and easy ways — as taught by Robert — to reconnect to your playful inner child, your soul, and the soul of the world.
1. Reconnect to Nature. We are not machines living virtually lives through our devices. In this first video, Robert reminds us that we are a part of nature. We can plug into the pulsating soul of the world, Mother Earth, by simply being in nature and letting her embrace and recharge us.
Robert shares that the planet itself has a soul, has a spirit. That the universe has a consciousness. And that we can learn to dream with the soul of the world, with eyes wide open or eyes closed. Take a listen and learn how to tune in to the guidance being whispered to you by the river, birds, and trees.
2. Start Journaling and Documenting. The art of documenting trains you to become aware and to become the observer of your life.
There is a reason why so many spiritual teachers and coaches recommend keeping a daily journal for bringing dreams into reality — because it works like magic!
Why is that? Watch Robert explain the process of unleashing creativity, in the inspiring video below. I love how Robert describes keeping a journal as something frisky and fun! I also love that he encourages you to see your journal as a book of wonders!
3. Ask for Guidance and Receive it! In order to receive anything in life, we must first ASK! It’s so simple and yet so often overlooked. If you want guidance from your dreams, angels, spirit guides, the universe — just ask!
Life is more than happy to co-create with you and offer you assistance in navigating the way. Your job is to learn the language of your soul. Look for signs and symbols. Listen for clues. Trust your intuition. The answers to your requests, questions, and intentions are all around you, awaiting your attention. Are you seeing, hearing or sensing them?
Check out the video below to hear Robert give an example from his own life — how he asked a question and got a very clear answer!
These are just three of Robert’s tools to train yourself to reconnect with your inner child, intuition, creativity, and artful kairomancer — someone capable of recognizing and seizing guidance and meaning from synchronicities and deeper realities — to co-create an amazing, joy-filled life!
Robert coined the term kairomancer because he hadn’t found a word that accurately described tuning into magic. Check out this final video to hear Robert talk about the meaning of kairomancy.
I hope these three practices help you to seek out the help of your guides. Life is so much more fun with a little help from our loving universe! Wouldn’t you agree?
Have you experienced magical and miraculous synchronicities in your life? We’d love to hear all about them! Please share in the comments below.
Join this FREE video event with Robert Moss and learn to recognize Kairos moments — when the world speaks to you in signs and symbols to help you grow, thrive, and manifest.

Discover the power and magic of a life guided by synchronicity.