We know that the earth is suffering as a product of our complete irreverence as a species…
...from a food system contaminated with heavy metals and plastic residues to a changing climate to pollution of our water and air...
Yet despite the fact that a degraded environment means degraded health and wellbeing for all of us at a physical, psychological, and spiritual level, we continue as a species to damage our beloved Pachamama day after day with what seems like no end…
How can we make sense of this? And how can we effect change in this world when the destruction around us seems so overwhelming?
A Wake-Up Call From An Ancient Tradition
The Earth-based wisdom of shamanism, the oldest spiritual tradition known to man, has a wake-up call for this madness — and hope for the future.
From a shamanic perspective, an environmental crisis is really a spiritual crisis, an imbalance born of our own disconnection — not just with Mother Earth, but also with ourselves, with one another, and with the divine source of it all.
According to shamanic teacher, author, and transpersonal psychologist don Oscar Miro-Quesada, that means there is a way to both heal yourself and restore balance and harmony to the world — a way that doesn’t require a lot of money, a fancy degree, or any former experience… a way that you are completely empowered to do right now, no matter who or where you are.
Shamanic Ritual for Healing Our Planet and Ourselves
As don Oscar explains, through ceremonial action you can bring yourself into spiritual alignment with the earth:
“Mother Nature, the universe itself, is a ritual dance, a ritual symphony. Everything — the mating rituals of our animal relatives, the prescribed ordering of our celestial canopy — has a ritual ordered sense...
And in the midst of the cacophony, of the chaotic dismemberment that we're experiencing as a human species, there is nothing more important than aligning ourselves with that ritualized behavior of both the cosmic and the personal. Through that, the planet can always be fed and nurtured.”
don Oscar teaches that through practicing ancient and sacred shamanic rituals, you can deepen your path of service to the world and expand your connection with the earth... and in doing so you can become the medicine the world needs.
This is a nourishing worldview that can be lived when you understand that you are part of creation itself… a child of the Earth Mother.
In the above video, don Oscar poignantly shares about the importance of ritual and reverence for healing the planet and the entire web of life.
Don’t miss these highlights:
- (0:49) — The consensus of tribal elders around the world on what precipitated the changes of the earth
- (1:12) — The sacred solution for the misuses of our planet
- (2:04) — The understanding and spiritual alignment that comes from living the worldview that you are part of creation
- (2:24) — The miracles that can occur when your prayers become medicine for the earth
- (3:12) — How through ritual you can begin to restore balance and harmony to the world
- (3:25) — How the world needs loving more than it needs saving, because we can only save the world by loving it.
It’s Not Too Late
It’s not too late to rebalance the health of our planet and ourselves.
Each of us has the power to heal and harmonize our consciousness, our communities, and our planet through reverence, communion, and ritual.
You can begin now by taking a few moments from your day to absorb this shamanic wisdom from beloved shamanic teacher don Oscar Miro-Quesada.
Sign Up Now to discover the powerful medicine of Ayni — practical skills of sacred reciprocity, reverence, service, and communion to heal our world.

The Medicine of Ayni

Have you used spiritual consciousness and ritual for environmental healing? Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below.