Shift Network Blog

The Starting Point for Shamanic Journeying
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Nature Talks to Us Through Feelings
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Why Calling in Guardians is An Important Part of Any Plant Medicine Ceremony
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Why Ayahuasca? Why Now?
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Aligning and Harmonizing With the Cosmos
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Two Benefits of Becoming One With Cosmic Consciousness
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How to Shapeshift Into a Soaring Eagle
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Discovering the Ancient Treasures of Mexican Dream Knowledge
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Why Explore Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness? w/Stan Grof
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Tools for Shamanic Journeying with Sandra Ingerman
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Why Our Modern World Needs Shamanic Wisdom and Practices
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Awaken the Healer Within
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Explore the Nature of Heavy and Light Energy From an Andean Shamanic Perspective
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Discover the Magic & Grace in the Celtic Ways of Being and Seeing
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What is Celtic Shamanism and How Is It Unique?
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Pachamama's Wake-Up Call: Our Environmental Crisis Is Actually a Spiritual Crisis
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Drumming the Four Elements: A Meditative Drumming Practice for Connecting to Nature
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Why the World Needs Shamanism Now More Than Ever
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Are You Using the Power of Your Thoughts & Words for Good?
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[Infographic] A Beginner's Guide to Lucid Dreaming
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How Dream Journaling Can Help You Manifest a Meaningful Life
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Align With Your Soul’s Plan Through Dreamwork
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What Life Looks Like When You Practice Shamanism in a Modern World
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How Dream Exploration Can Bring Your Deepest Desires to Life
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How to use Shamanic Journeying to Heal Yourself, Your Loved Ones and The Planet
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3 Keys to Dream Journeying: How to Travel to Other Realms, Wise Ancestors & Your Future Self
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A Peruvian Shaman Shares 6 Spirit Animal Allies for Guidance, Healing & Wisdom
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8 Simple Practices To Transform Negative Energy
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Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man: Shamanism from the Far North
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Shamanism: An Ancient Universal Spiritual Practice
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