As life becomes more challenging and complex in our modern world, the need for doing deep inner work has become more important than ever. This very moment is inviting all of us to embark on a path of self healing.
Are you ready to heal old wounds and break through the patterns that are blocking you from living as the sacred being of light that you truly are?
The only way to experience deeper peace is to heal and release all forms of trauma that hinder us from living more fully and joyfully — especially generations of family wounds and dysfunctions.
The more you let go, the more peace you experience.
“If you let go a little, you will have a little peace.
If you let go a lot, you will have a lot of peace.”
— Ajahn Chah
But how? How do we do this painful yet crucial work of letting go?
The ancient ideals of the Bodhisattva in Buddhism and the Tzaddik in Judaism speak to our potential to be healers of the darkness within ourselves and in the world.
And now, these ancient healing practices are receiving validation from modern neuroscience. The key lies in a curious gland at the base of your brain — the pineal gland — which literally works with light and creates a whole cascade of changes in your system that can heal and clear out dark energy.
Jungian psychotherapist Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone is one of today’s most beloved Rabbis and a renowned teacher of ancestral healing. She is also the author of Wounds to Wisdom. In her teachings, she offers fascinating intersections of Jewish and Buddhist practices that connect to how we actually transmute the darkness of trauma into the light of freedom.
In both traditions, to heal trauma we have to sit with it, be radically present with it.
So how do we get present?
Watch the two short videos below to hear Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone explain what radical presence means and how it applies to healing ancestral trauma — so as not to pass it onto the next generation.
What is Radical Presence?
Don’t miss these key moments
- (0:16) — Why is being present important?
- (0:50) — What the inner voice is trying to tell us
- (1:27) — The Jewish perspective on presence
- (2:12) — The meaning of presence in Buddhism
Healing Ancestral Trauma
Be sure to catch these key thoughts
- (0:24) — How not to pass on family trauma
- (1:00) — Small shifts to heal
- (1:20) — What is co-regulation?
- (2:22) — Who can benefit from healing generational disorders?
Rabbi Firestone is so full of warmth, wisdom, and light. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to watch and take in the insights shared.
Join this FREE video event with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone and start seeding the world with hope and goodness by reconnecting to your sacred purpose and self.

Applying Radical Presence to Become an Agent of Blessing