We all come into this world as bundles of pure love and light.
Somewhere along the way, though, we all experience the fear and darkness of the world.
And, sometimes, we get lost in the fear… so much so that we forget that we are love. We forget what love is… what it feels and looks like. We may even begin to mistrust love, joy, kindness, and generosity. And if we are truly lost, we may actually fear love.
In our modern world of accelerated fear-mongering, polarization, and violence, it is even more important for all of us to remember the truth of who we are, what is real, and what is not.
Fortunately, throughout time, the universe has blessed us with masterful teachers who come to remind us about the truth of why we are here, and guide us back to love and light.
Spiritual thought leader and best-selling author Marianne Williamson teaches the principles of A Course In Miracles and how to apply the wisdom to actually Live as Love.
In the two videos below, Marianne lays down the groundwork of what is real and unreal. It’s so simple in theory — and really no secret — yet so easily forgotten in the daily challenges of life.
What is Love?
In this first video, Marianne explains the difference between living in love and living in fear, or lovelessness.
As you watch the clip, maybe ask yourself: Where are you right now? Where do you spend the majority of your time? In love, or fear?
How & Why We Slip Into Fear
In this second video, we are reminded that we all get lost and confused from time to time. But, there is always a way back home… to love. Take a listen to find out how.
Perhaps there is a reason you stumbled upon this message today. If you feel called and want to learn more about how to live more happily, register for Marianne’s free video event, Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love.
May we all find our way home to love and joy!
Register for this FREE video event with Marianne Williamson and discover how to embody intense, transformative love — which goes beyond feelings — into an operating system that guides you to live your true purpose.

Awakening to a Miraculous Life of Love