Exploring Extraterrestrial Wisdom Frontiers?

Exploring Extraterrestrial Wisdom Frontiers?

Stephen Dinan
Stephen Dinan:
CEO of The Shift Network

I’m writing this article to invite your input on an area that we’re considering offering next year — extraterrestrial wisdom.

Since founding Shift, I’ve aimed to be balanced in exploring many lineages of wisdom from around the world in a grounded and accessible way. 

Yet, there are various categories of subjects we haven’t offered, because the sense I had was that it could overly define our brand, alienate important faculty, or play into shadowy realms that aren’t really aligned with our mission of evolving consciousness.

One of those has to do with ETs. So much of what is out there is a mixed bag: sometimes conspiratorial, usually ungrounded, difficult to verify, and often quite weird. 

And much of it didn’t seem to offer any value in helping humans transform into better humans.

BUT this year, I’ve started to open to the possibility that we could do a legitimate, grounded exploration of wisdom and healing insights that appear to be sourced from other species in the cosmos. 

I’ve been getting inner guidance around this that mirrors the growing interest in everything from starseeds to light languages to learning from specific other civilizations (from Sirians to Pleiadians to Lyrans).

Since we’ve gradually expanded Shift over the years to accept, explore, and develop coursework on areas such as communicating with deceased souls (mediumship), animals (animal communication), and now even plant spirits, it’s become clearer that we are not limited to the wisdom of the human species. 

We can psychically communicate with the intelligence that animates a wide variety of living things. Whether it’s dolphins, white lions, or medicinal plants, it’s clear that spirit-to-spirit communication can, if we embrace it and train our abilities, open us to more allies, wisdom, and connection amongst all Earth’s inhabitants.

So I’ve started to think, if we’re open to these Earthly realms, which are already outside of human-only wisdom systems, why discriminate or ignore what appears to come from extraterrestrial origins? 

Is it actually fair to discriminate against wisdom sourced from somewhere else or should we be evenhanded in our treatment of wisdom that comes from ANY direction? 

Many of our shamanic friends and transformational teachers have reported direct experiences with ETs and have even wished to offer classes that explore that. I know from my time at the Institute of Noetic Sciences that astronaut Edgar Mitchell was 100% clear we had been contacted (his dad recovered bodies at Roswell). 

I’ve had many hours of conversations with people who have had the experience of being taken up on a ship and I found what they shared compelling. I’ve talked with people who seem grounded who are clear they are starseeds. I’ve talked with someone who is something of a galactic historian about all the civilizations and alliances out there. I am intrigued by what’s happening in the disclosure movement with CE5 in terms of creating circles of higher consciousness that call in direct experiences of alien craft.

While I only have a very limited experience myself of once seeing what appeared to be a craft enter Mt. Shasta, at this point in my life, I nonetheless feel certain that other advanced intelligent civilizations exist in the universe and that contact is possible with them either on a physical or higher plane of existence. 

And I also increasingly believe that part of the Shift on our planet has to do with preparing humanity to join (or rejoin) this larger collection of civilizations. We need to mature as a species such that we can live sustainably and peacefully on planet Earth in order to safely connect in an obvious way with these other civilizations. 

Put differently, I think we’re being studied as to when we are truly ready and that we’re in something of a quarantine until we reach the point where we don’t export destructive tendencies.

In the meantime, as we outwork our polarization, violence, and greedy tendencies, there are psychic pathways of communication that can allow us to learn from these more advanced species, which happens through healers, psychics, and channelers. 

The number of people who have told me that an ET has come through in a healing ceremony, psychic reading, or healing session is vast. There appear to be distinct races or lineages that have specific intelligences and skills in healing as well.

With all that said, in the eyes of the wider public, saying we are going to study ET wisdom is definitely weird. And marginalizing. And potentially discrediting. 

So there’s a cost to putting a stake in the ground and saying that this is a legitimate area to explore for the evolution and transformation of humanity. We may lose key teachers and alienate swaths of the mainstream.

That’s why we’ve always said that we don’t create programs on ETs Yet now I’m leaning towards exploring this terrain from the angle of cosmic wisdom: What is the distilled wisdom of each advanced civilization? What unique message or healing intelligence can each offer? 

We can explore skills that have to do with communicating with ETs or becoming a channel for them (light languages), or even explore what role this kind of communication could have had in an ancient Atlantean civilization (and in some cultures like the Andes where they say that contact remains active).

To help determine if it’s aligned to do this area of programming, which would likely consist of a series of shorter courses that you could do individually or as a whole, I want to get input from people in our network, including customers, team, faculty, and subscribers.

Personally, my networks in this area aren’t strong enough and it’s going to require deep discernment if we do it, so we want to invite you in as a collaborator.

So would you mind answering some questions in a survey that helps us get legitimate, authentic feedback on this area? Click here to do so.
