How a Near-Death Experience Changes You Forever...

The Shift Team
The Shift Team

According to bestselling author and international speaker Anita Moorjani, having a near-death experience (NDE) is like going from being blind to seeing

"It fundamentally changes who you are," says Anita. After literally dying and coming back herself, Anita knows this firsthand — and she wants to share this fundamental shift with you.

You see, Anita came back from her NDE with a clear mission. She intends to help others access the wisdom of having an NDE — without having to experience an NDE themselves.

In the video below, watch and listen as Anita describes how a near-death experience fundamentally changes you forever...

Want to learn more? Register for a complimentary on-demand event with Anita in the box below, or listen to Anita’s full story here.

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Access the Power of Near-Death Experiences to Live a More Joyful, Authentic, Soul-Driven Life

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