When pioneering consciousness researcher Stan Grof was conducting his seminal studies years ago, he found that all the standard tests available in Western psychology were useless for predicting the experiences people would have under the influence of psychedelics.
Then, when he unexpectedly discovered a methodology that was powerfully predictive, it was more controversial than psychedelics themselves...
As it turned out, astrology held the answers he’d been looking for.
In the video above, Stan and research partner Rick Tarnas explain how astrology continues to be “the gold standard of superstition in our culture.”
Yet, the evidence is undeniable that archetypal astrology — which emphasizes planetary archetypes more than zodiac constellations — is the bridge that connects your individual psyche to the cosmos.
Don’t miss these highlights in this insightful video with Stan and Rick:
- (0:35) — The important dimension that was missing from Rick’s psychedelic research
- (1:32) — The reasons why typical tests and research methods found in Western psychology were so unhelpful when studying psychedelics
- (2:25) — Why Rick says, “Astrology is what you would compare something to if you wanted to emphasize that it was completely unworthy of serious intellectual concern.”
- (2:45) — How astrology provides such specific results
- (3:05) — The shifts Stan says psychology, psychotherapy, and other fields should make to stay relevant
Stan and Rick have truly fascinating wisdom to share. Be sure to set aside a few minutes to watch!
You can also join Stan and Rick for a powerful online event and discover how the wisdom of archetypal astrology can help you deeply understand yourself and the nature of reality.
Register for free here: Is Archetypal Astrology the Rosetta Stone of the Human Psyche?
Join this FREE video event with Stan and Rick to access the wisdom of archetypal astrology to deeply understand yourself and the nature of reality with two of the great minds of our time.

Is Archetypal Astrology the Rosetta Stone of the Human Psyche?