Shift Network Blog

The Sacred Dance of Self and Other
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Clear Your Vision of What Your Life Should Be
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What Are Ancestral Rivers? with Eileen McKusick
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How to Use Astrology as a Tool for Personal Growth & Inner Peace
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“Why You Should Feel Zero Guilt For Being Happy”
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How to Navigate + Master the Unknown Using Energy Codes
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How the Enneagram Awakens Higher Consciousness
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The Vedic Concept of Soul
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Unlocking Your Unique Gifts to Become Your Most Divine Self
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What is the Energetic Heart? with Rollin McCraty, PhD
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What is HeartMath? With Rollin McCraty, PhD
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Live Your Most Unleashed Life, Now with Bernadette Pleasant
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Get Outta Your Head and Into Your Entire Body
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Stan Grof & Rick Tarnas: A Partnership Is Formed
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How Does Archetypal Astrology Connect the Psyche to the Cosmos?
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The Benefits of Facing the Shadow With Compassion
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Why Shadow Work Is So Important
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What is Kundalini? (And how can you awaken this blissful energy within you?)
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How Do You Know You Are Tuned Into Your Body's Intuition? (And You're Not Just in Your Head...)
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Is Life Happening to You or for You? Michael Beckwith Reveals How to Move From Victim to Manifester
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Discover How to Move Beyond the Law of Attraction: Living Your Soul's Vision
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Decompressing Your Physical Reality: Healing & Manifesting in the Quantum Field
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Kundalini: The Vast Intelligence Within
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Stan Grof On the Intersection of Science And Spirituality
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Stan Grof On Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness
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The Three Suns: The Path of Kundalini Awakening
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Chakra Meditation: Awaken to Boundless Energy, Vitality & Healing With This Guided Practice From Anodea Judith
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Awaken Your Capacity for Self-Healing, Super-Perception, and a Longer Life!
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Align With Your Soul’s Plan Through Dreamwork
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Awaken to Boundless Energy, Vitality, & Healing with this Guided Chakra Meditation
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Discover How to Use Your Nighttime Dreams to Heal & Transform
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How to Get Better Access To Your Guides (And Be Supported In Choosing Your Best Next Steps)
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How To Upgrade Your Intuition (And Use it to Choose Your Best Next Steps)
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Discover the Goddesses Within & Liberate Your Truest Self
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The Enneagram: Discover 9 Essential Pathways for Your Emotional & Spiritual Growth
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You Got This: Danielle LaPorte’s Credo for Life
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7 Steps to Free Your Soul and Awaken Through Writing
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7 Secrets for Deciphering the Messages Your Dreams Want You to Know
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5 Spiritual Practices for Women to Experience More Presence, Passion & Joy
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Seeing Shadows
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Discover Writing As a Spiritual Practice
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Music: Infinitely Beyond
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Peace Pole Story - Australia and New Zealand
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Peace Pole Story - Poland
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Healing through Yoga
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The iRest Program for Healing Trauma
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