What is Kundalini? (And how can you awaken this blissful energy within you?)

The Shift Team
The Shift Team

At the base of your spine, there is a powerful source of light, love, and healing...

This is your Kundalini energy — and the key to unlocking your “bliss consciousness.”

And it’s just waiting to be activated...

What exactly is Kundalini? Spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury answers...

In the video above, with spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury, you’ll discover what Kundalini energy is — where it comes from, and exactly where it resides in your body.

What’s more, Raja explains,you can consciously awaken your Kundalini energy, step-by-step...

Kundalini can bring streams of synchronicities into your life… and much more.

What happens when your Kundalini is Awakened?

With your Kundalini energy activated, you can access profound joy, more freedom… and a bliss that radiates from your entire being out into the world.

In this next video, watch and listen as Raja unpacks how you can awaken the Kundalini energy within you:

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7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini

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